Ver la versión completa : ¡ Qué MAL EJEMPLO dio Serena Williams, testigo de Jehová, en el US Open 2018 !

14/09/2018, 17:18

14/09/2018, 17:46
Esto fue en otras circunstancias ...


26/09/2018, 15:17
Los "testigos" no vienen a defender a su hermanita super rabiosa. :lol:

04/10/2018, 09:16
Los comprendo.

07/10/2018, 09:50
El árbitro le llamó la atención a Williams porque su entrenador le sopló algún consejo desde su asiento en el público, y eso a ella no le gustó, y lo negó.

Pero después del partido, su entrenador confesó que sí que le sopló algún consejo, lo cual está prohibido por el reglamento. :doh:

07/10/2018, 09:53

18/10/2018, 17:43
Los "testigos" no vienen a defender a su hermanita super rabiosa. :lol:Je, jeeeeeee ......

20/11/2018, 16:14
Saben que su hermanita se portó muy mal. :nod:

21/11/2018, 15:49
Published September 10

Martina Navratilova criticizes Serena Williams' behavior at US Open final

By Samuel Chamberlain

Eighteen-time Grand Slam singles champion Martina Navratilova criticized Serena Williams' conduct during her U.S. Open defeat in the pages of The New York Times Monday, writing that Williams engaged in behavior "that no one should be engaging in on the court."

Williams was cited three times by chair umpire Carlos Ramos during the second set of her 6-2, 6-4 loss to Naomi Osaka in Saturday's singles final. The first penalty, for getting coaching signals, earned her a warning. The second penalty, for breaking her racket, cost her a point. The third penalty, for berating Ramos and calling him a thief, cost her a game.

Williams argued that Ramos would not have penalized her so harshly if she were a man. WTA CEO Steve Simon agreed, saying in a statement that the organization "believes that there should be no difference in the standards of tolerance provided to the emotions expressed by men vs. women ... We do not believe that this was done [Saturday] night."
However, Navratilova wrote that the focus on the sexism controversy "is missing the point."


"[W]e cannot measure ourselves by what we think we should also be able to get away with," she said, adding, "There have been many times when I was playing that I wanted to break my racket into a thousand pieces. Then I thought about the kids watching. And I grudgingly held on to that racket."

"Had I behaved like that on a tennis court, I would have expected to get everything that happened to Serena," Navratilova told Times reporter Juliet Macur in a separate story. "It should've ended ... with the point warning, but Serena just couldn’t let it go."

In her op-ed, Navratilova said that Williams was correct when she claimed that "[t]here is a huge double standard for women when it comes to how bad behavior is punished — and not just in tennis."
However, she added, "I don't believe it's a good idea to apply a standard of 'If men can get away with it, women should be able to, too.' Rather, I think the question we have to ask ourselves is this: What is the right way to behave to honor our sport and to respect our opponents?"

Navratilova's comments were backed by longtime player-turned-broadcaster Mary Carillo.


"At her very best — and she is very often at her very best — I respect and admire Serena beyond measure," Carillo told MSNBC on Monday . "...But at her very worst, as she was on [Saturday] night, she acts like a bully."

"If you follow tennis at all, you know those rules. They are inviolate," Carillo added. "A lot of these people that are weighing in and saying double standard. I'm saying, you know what? This is not the hill you want to die on."

Also Monday, the International Tennis Federation backed Ramos, saying his "decisions were in accordance with the relevant rules" and "reaffirmed by the U.S. Open's decision to fine Serena Williams for the three offenses."

On Sunday, tournament referee Brian Earley docked Williams a total of $17,000: $10,000 for "verbal abuse" of Ramos, $4,000 for being warned for coaching and $3,000 for breaking her racket.

The ITF added that "Ramos undertook his duties as an official according to the relevant rule book and acted at all times with professionalism and integrity."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Fuente : foxnews.com

22/11/2018, 06:03
Los del Cuerpo Gobernante tampoco vienen. :lol:

26/11/2018, 16:10
¡ Y lo mucho que se jactan los "testigos" proclamando que tienen una conducta ejemplar !!! :crazy:

Lean esto que publicó uno de ellos en estos foros hace algunos años :


3-Su conducta se rige por elevados principios morales basados en la Biblia.

La New Catholic Encyclopedia, por ejemplo, reconoce que los testigos de Jehová tienen la reputación de ser “uno de los grupos con mejor comportamiento del mundo.”

El periódico italiano La Stampa dijo: “No hay ciudadanos más leales. Sus ideales morales de amar al prójimo, negarse a tomar el poder, practicar la no violencia y caracterizarse por la honradez personal son parte de su vida ‘cotidiana’”.

“Han demostrado [...] ser ciudadanos decentes, ordenados, que cumplen con un alto código moral”, dijo el Daily Telegraph de Londres (Inglaterra).

Jehová L’Eglise de Montréal (La Iglesia de Montreal), boletín semanal de la archidiócesis de Montreal (Canadá), dijo: “Tienen extraordinarios valores morales”.

The New Enciclopedia Británica dice: los testigos de Jehová “se empeñan en tener una elevada conducta moral”.

El periódico estadounidense New Haven Register dijo: “Hay que admirar su dedicación, su pureza, su ejemplo sobresaliente en el comportamiento humano y la vida sana”.

El profesor Anatoly P. Zilber, presidente del Departamento de Cuidados Intensivos y Anestesiología de la Universidad de Petrozavodsk y del Hospital Republicano de Carelia (Rusia), hizo este elogio delostestigosde Jehová: “No abusan del alcohol ni fuman ni actúan con codicia ni incumplen sus promesas ni dan falso testimonio [...]. En vez de formar una secta misteriosa, son buenos ciudadanos”. Luego añade: “Son gente respetable y feliz, que se interesa en la historia, la literatura, el arte y la vida en todos sus aspectos”.

“Los testigosde Jehová inculcan en sus hijos elevados principios morales. Les enseñan a evitar conductas, acciones y hasta actitudes que, [aunque] el mundo de hoy las considera normales, pueden ser perjudiciales para ellos y para los demás. Por eso les advierten sobre los peligros de las drogas, el tabaco y el abuso del alcohol. Asimismo reconocen la importancia de ser honrados y trabajadores. [...] Además de cultivar valores morales en sus hijos, losTestigos les enseñan a ser ciudadanos cumplidores, así como a respetar a las autoridades y a otras personas y sus bienes.” (Del libro The History of Religion in Ukraine, editado por el profesor Petro Yarotskyi.)

30/11/2018, 12:49
Siguen MUDOS los "testigos". :lol:

03/12/2018, 06:54
Maybe somebody from the Governing Body would like to say anything ????

28/12/2018, 07:43
No way !!!!!!!!!

29/01/2019, 12:17
Maybe now in 2019 .....

07/02/2019, 14:26
I keep waiting ... :ranger:

21/02/2019, 14:55

15/03/2019, 10:47
Les informo que el watchtowearriano Davidmor ha vuelto con nosotros esta semana. :yo:

15/03/2019, 14:43
A ver si comenta este tema sobre su hermanita Serena, no tan serena que digamos. :lol:

30/03/2019, 07:15
O el otro watchctowearriano "yo seré", quien volvió por estos foros anoche ... ...

01/04/2019, 10:25
Ni se asoma. :lol: