Ver la versión completa : Abreviaturas Utiles en Internet

07/03/2008, 01:31
En los ultimos años he conocido algunas abreviaturas informales que son muy usadas en el ámbito de Internet, son muy comunes en Salas de Chat, Foros, Juegos Online, etc. Aqui les va algunas de las que recuerdo:

OMG = Oh My God
LOL= Laughing Out Loud
W8, Gr8 = Wait, Great
DC = Disconect
BTW = By the way
BF = Boyfriend
GF = Girlfriend
TY = Thank You
ASL = Age/Sex/Location
TOT = Tons Of Tears
G2G = Got to Go
BRB = Be Right Back
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
CYA = See You
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
AKA = Also Known As
NVM = Never Mind
NP = No Problem
LIL = Little
ROLF = Rolling On Laughing Floor
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
ROTFL = Rolling On The Lloor Laughing
ROTFLOL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
IMAO = In My Arrogant Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IC = I See
BAK = Back At Keyboard
F2F = Face To Face
FYA = For Your Amusement
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
HHOK = Ha Ha Only Kidding
OIC = Oh I See
TAFN = That's All For Now
HTH = Hope This Helps
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
IMO = In My Opinion
OTOH = On The Other Hand
TIA = Thanks In Advance

Malas Palabras :twisted:

STFU = Shut The F*ck Up
FU = F*ck U
WTF = What The F*ck
LMAO = Laughing My As* Off

Si conocen alguna otra, la comparten bueno?. Espero les sea util, hasta pronto.

07/03/2008, 08:27
Good idea, Boreas.

By the way, what's the meaning of DX ? :confused:

13/03/2008, 01:36
Hi Emeric

According with some forums/chat rooms, the meaning of DX it's the opposite of XD / xD ( happy face :-P ), in that case DX = Angry face.

Anothers words:

ATM: At this moment
BB: Bye Bye
PLZ: Please
RTFM: Read The F*cking Manual
STFW: Search The F*cking Web

13/03/2008, 15:05
Hi Emeric

According with some forums/chat rooms, the meaning of DX it's the opposite of XD / xD ( happy face :-P ), in that case DX = Angry face.

Anothers words:

ATM: At this moment
BB: Bye Bye
PLZ: Please
RTFM: Read The F*cking Manual
STFW: Search The F*cking WebThanks, Boreas, for the information, but do DX and XD come from any English words ? :confused:

13/03/2008, 16:17
Existe una que otra en español. La siguiente, no se si la vi en algún lado o se me ocurrió:


(Dios te bendiga)

16/03/2008, 00:14

Well, as far i know, no; in this case DX and XD (happy and angry face) does not come from any English words. Anyways we cannot discard that DX and XD can be used as acronyms of anothers words such as Direct X, Deluxe, Extreme Degeneration, etc, but aren't used so often as the 1st ones.


Gracias por tu aporte, pero tene en cuenta que el tema es sobre palabras o frases en inglés.

Gracias a ambos por el interés.

16/03/2008, 00:16
Okey... te dejo más abreviaturas en inglés; saludos:


18/03/2008, 17:14
¡Muy bien Josell! ; esta bastante completo y bien explicado, gracias por tu aporte.